My girlfriend is pregnant – what do i do?

When your girlfriend or partner comes to you with news of pregnancy, it’s natural to feel many different emotions. You might be scared, confused, upset, or even excited. But no matter how you feel about the situation, there are some things you need to do to ensure you and her are both healthy and safe.

Verify The Pregnancy

The first thing you need to do is to get a pregnancy test performed at a trustworthy clinic or doctor’s office. At Wish Medical, we provide free pregnancy tests for any woman who needs one. You can be assured that our pregnancy tests are accurate and safe. If the pregnancy test is positive, you should confirm the viability of the pregnancy with an obstetric ultrasound. An ultrasound can give you information that a pregnancy test can’t, such as the approximate age of the pregnancy and whether or not it is viable.

Recognize Her Needs

Along with making sure the pregnancy is safe, you should also make sure your partner is. As much as you’re going through, recognize that your girlfriend is experiencing all that and more. Women’s bodies go through rapid and difficult changes during pregnancy, and your girlfriend may have trouble handling them all. Make sure you’re understanding and compassionate during this time and realize that she may need help even if she doesn’t ask for it.

Recognize Your Own Needs

Many men in this situation make the mistake of concentrating so much on their girlfriend and the pregnancy that they forget to take care of themselves. However, it’s perfectly natural to take some time to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor. You shouldn’t feel like you have to suppress your own emotions to make it through this situation. Instead, find an outlet for these feelings.

Other Advice

Here’s some more quick advice and guidance that you may find useful:

Things To Do

  • Listen

Remember, you’re not the only person in this situation. Listen to your girlfriend and try to understand her perspective and feelings.

  • Be Available

Your partner needs your support and help. Don’t distance yourself or disappear. Instead, make yourself available to her and be there to support her.

  • Talk to Each Other

Make sure you’re on the same page and that you express your feelings to her. Make sure she feels comfortable doing the same with you. Discuss how you’ll tell others and what your next steps are.

  • Get More Information

Don’t assume you know everything already. Get information about your options, your rights as a parent, and what your next steps should be.

What Not To Do

  • Run Away

Your first instinct might be to distance yourself or deny responsibility. This will only make everything else harder. Don’t run from your responsibilities – face them and deal with them.

  • Pressure Her

You both need to agree on what your next steps are. You shouldn’t pressure her to think, act, or feel a certain way about the pregnancy. Doing so will only push her away.

  • Close Yourself Off

Finally, remember to be an active participant in the relationship and pregnancy. Don’t close yourself off or be passive. You have responsibilities to fulfill, and you shouldn’t put all the pressure on others to fill your role.

You can do it. We can help

At Wish Medical, we provide both women and men with the resources and information they need to handle an unplanned pregnancy. Call or visit our clinic today to access free pregnancy testing, free limited ultrasounds, parenting education, and more. Call 208-892-WISH (9474) today to schedule an appointment now.

Leann Robertson, Rn

Registered Nurse

The content on this page has been reviewed by our Registered Nurse: LeAnn Robertson.